Is Project Runway a recognized religion yet?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Let's hear it for today's birthday celebrant, Gael Garcia Bernal, for 28 years of smokin' hotness.
In related news I watched Motorcycle Diaries the other evening, and I really had no idea how lovely South America is. It makes me want to hop on my motorcycle and tour around for a year. Anyone want to come with?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Let's talk about Gael Garcia Bernal, shall we?

Is he a yumbot or what? I always kinda thought he had a spark of hotness but his pointy mouthmiddle drove me away. In recent months though I have encountered some of his movies, and I have changed my opinion. Time has helped me realize that not only is he in some pretty good movies, he's a super yummy... oh, wait.

All right, I'm back now. I got distracted by a rather one-sided freestyle battle with Alanna's brother. As I was saying, GGB is just fanfreakingtastic. He was so fun and cute in Science Of Sleep, even though I didn't care for that movie so much. And in Babel, driving around and dodging the feds and ditching his aunt and some kids in the desert in Mexico- what's not to love? And Y Tu Mama Tambien... so many reasons to like this one, even though I've never seen the beginning. You know what I'm talking about, ladies.

Having just seen The Island this weekend, I propose we clone GGB like they did to Ewan McGregor (which is also a good idea) and Scarlett PinkAssFace (not a good idea). I was saving my money for a new computer, but I think saving for a clone is much more practical.