My first blog post ever! Whee! I'm as happy as a little girrrrl.
Let's get down to it. Season 3 started Wednesday, and I kicked off the night with a trip to Manhattan in a monsoonish torrential thunderstorm, complete with tornado. But nothing could keep me from my goal- Tim Gunn. He was making an appearance at Emmett's store in the willage with some Season 2 designers- Diana, Nick, Kara, Chloe- and I was certain that as soon as we met and bonded over some flavored coffee, we'd be lifelong friends, shopping the shoe sales at Barneys, dining at Pastis, and chuckling over the gross drawstring- dress thing happening now.
While that is perhaps not going to happen, my suspicions were confirmed- Tim Gunn is the nicest man EVER. Like, EVER. Without boring everyone (er, only myself?) here with all the details, I will say that it was a lovely experience and totally worth the harrowing weather moments in which I feared for my life.
So.. on to the show. I wanted to dislike all of the contestants initially, because they're just.. different. They're not Season 2, who I love to no end. But we can't move backwards, can we?
Laura at first struck me as kind of the older crazy lady who lives by herself and goes on vacation with her divorced friends, maybe a Fun 'n' Fabulous Fifties Cruise. But then I discovered she is only 42, which is not that much older than me, and so maybe she goes on the Forties Cruise. Moving on to evil Malan, he seemed a villain immediately. His laugh is creepy, he looks creepy, and in conclusion, I think he's creepy. I like Kayne, he seems all right. All those small round-faced girls I can't tell apart yet, so I have no comment on them. Tattoo Man is going to be painted as the Santino of Season 3, but I don't think that's accurate.
About the clothes themselves, nothing is really favorably memorable to me except the fabulous shiny rug coat from Laura (perhaps for her cruise?) and the coffee filter dress from Knight Rider, which my friend Kim went bananas over. "Good morning, Michael. Would you like to wear the coffee filter dress today?"
Hopefully by next week I'll be able to better identify the new contestants and their various personality quirks enhanced by editing to skew our emotional response. And hopefully by then I'll be able to forget Vincent's horrible basket/ chain hat. Vincent! I completely forgot him. During the show I was thinking he was brave for going ahead with his 'vision' right off the bat in the first challenge, but then I started to think he is kind of insane. But in a good way! haha! ha! Don't come to my house with those bicycle chains and kill me in my sleep, Vincent.
Let's get down to it. Season 3 started Wednesday, and I kicked off the night with a trip to Manhattan in a monsoonish torrential thunderstorm, complete with tornado. But nothing could keep me from my goal- Tim Gunn. He was making an appearance at Emmett's store in the willage with some Season 2 designers- Diana, Nick, Kara, Chloe- and I was certain that as soon as we met and bonded over some flavored coffee, we'd be lifelong friends, shopping the shoe sales at Barneys, dining at Pastis, and chuckling over the gross drawstring- dress thing happening now.
While that is perhaps not going to happen, my suspicions were confirmed- Tim Gunn is the nicest man EVER. Like, EVER. Without boring everyone (er, only myself?) here with all the details, I will say that it was a lovely experience and totally worth the harrowing weather moments in which I feared for my life.
So.. on to the show. I wanted to dislike all of the contestants initially, because they're just.. different. They're not Season 2, who I love to no end. But we can't move backwards, can we?
Laura at first struck me as kind of the older crazy lady who lives by herself and goes on vacation with her divorced friends, maybe a Fun 'n' Fabulous Fifties Cruise. But then I discovered she is only 42, which is not that much older than me, and so maybe she goes on the Forties Cruise. Moving on to evil Malan, he seemed a villain immediately. His laugh is creepy, he looks creepy, and in conclusion, I think he's creepy. I like Kayne, he seems all right. All those small round-faced girls I can't tell apart yet, so I have no comment on them. Tattoo Man is going to be painted as the Santino of Season 3, but I don't think that's accurate.
About the clothes themselves, nothing is really favorably memorable to me except the fabulous shiny rug coat from Laura (perhaps for her cruise?) and the coffee filter dress from Knight Rider, which my friend Kim went bananas over. "Good morning, Michael. Would you like to wear the coffee filter dress today?"
Hopefully by next week I'll be able to better identify the new contestants and their various personality quirks enhanced by editing to skew our emotional response. And hopefully by then I'll be able to forget Vincent's horrible basket/ chain hat. Vincent! I completely forgot him. During the show I was thinking he was brave for going ahead with his 'vision' right off the bat in the first challenge, but then I started to think he is kind of insane. But in a good way! haha! ha! Don't come to my house with those bicycle chains and kill me in my sleep, Vincent.
That Vincent is *not* invited to my house ever...Vincents of the D'Onofrio type, however, are always welcome.
I'm glad that your Project Rain-way went well despite all the water. Perhaps we could say it went swimmingly?
Amazon Alanna, at 10:35 AM
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